Starting the Aurora Setup aboard M.Y. HODOR

The early stages of setting up an Aurora 3 person submersible aboard a new yacht
October, 2020

This short video clip shows our efforts in setting up our 1000m depth rated Aurora submersible on the yacht M.Y. HODOR. These are early efforts in the setup as we just started training the crew and pilots on the ship while it is at a yard in Port Angeles, in Washington State, USA.

The submersible is shown being moved out of its storage bay using air lift cushions that allow the crew to simply slide this 8000Kg submersible out to its launch area. This particular yacht selected a four point hoist arrangement for the submersible in order to match their gantry launch. Note that these SEAmagine subs can be configured with a single point launch in addition to the four point arrangement shown.

Raised Image

SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation

2133 Porterfield Way, Unit A
Upland, CA 91796


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Office Tel: +1 909 626-6262
Los Angeles, California